Saturday, April 21, 2012

Book Nook: The Wave

Hey every one! I ADORE books so why not do book reviews? So here is the first one on "The Wave"  Morton Rhue. 

I received this book from teacher as we are studying Lord Of The Flies in English and some people were finding it hard to understand the concept of why some people would follow others without question so she handed us this book to help have a better knowledge of the text. The book is based on a true story of a school in California and "shows how easily people can be swayed by the powerful forces of group pressure."

blurb: "The wave is sweeping through the entire school. What started as an experiment in Ben Ross's History class is taking a mind of it's own. Students who thought they were free individuals have become dominated by The Wave, and its salutes and slogans- Strength Through Discipline, Strength Through Community, Strength Through Action- are everywhere. Only Laurie and a few of her friends recognise the danger in The Wave- but can they stop it before it goes too far?"

So the story starts in Ben Ross's history class when he shows them a video on the Holocaust. He then decides to run an experiment to show his class how the Nazi soldiers blindly followed Hitler. However the pupils take the experiment in their stride and they not only follow it like they have been craving discipline but they are not the only people taking this far. Ben Ross also takes it further and become overwhelmed by the power. The book shows the class slowly being consumed by this urge to blindly follow their leader which they name Mr Ross at one stage. The become so consumed that physical violence becomes part of the equation. Laurie (the main character) soon sees what is happening to people with the help of her concerned mother. However if you wish to know the ending and if Laurie did anything to stop it then I shall leave you to read it. :)

I personally liked the book as it gives the reader (me at least) the epiphany that people are willing to blindly follow people was rather nerve racking. some people would take this to other levels but the book shows that even in a school the topic of following orders can go WAY past extremes and the is rather scary. I would recommend this book, It is not one that I would normally reach for if I was choosing from a shelf of books however I did get something out of the book and I think that is the main part of reading is that if YOU get something out of a book than it was well worth the read.

so that's it guys and keep reading!

Hayley. >.<

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