Monday, November 12, 2012

Scottish schooling

So, I go to a school in the NE of Scotland, it is rather small compared to some. I would say it is just below average with approximately 700-800 people attending.

It is a public school which follows the Scottish Qualification Association (SQA). Meaning we do standard grades, intermediates, highers and advanced highers.

I am in 5th year and am currently doing highers but I shall get to this level.

1st year- in first year you do not sit any exams for qualification, but you do sit little tests so the school can see what level of intellect you are and the best class of ability to put you in when you make your choices.

2nd year- for some this is like first year however for me I did an exam called intermediate 1 maths (int 1) which is a basic level of maths including trigonometry and Pythagoras. All in all I found this easy but maths is a subject which I am good at.
You sat this exam if your ability level could manage it.
In this I received an A and the gradings available were A,B,C or fail.

3rd year- this is when you chose the subjects in which you wish to study. Some are compulsory like maths, English, PE, Religious & Moral Education (RME) and Personal & Social Education (PSE).
Maths I did level intermediate 2 which is the follow up from int 1 and again I found this relatively easy achieving an A.
English we did and internal exam (meaning it did not get sent away to the SQA to be marked it is marked by teachers within the school) at this I achieved an A. English is not my best subject so if I can get an A anyone can.
The other subjects I chose were: business management, French, history, biology, chemistry and art.
As we were allowed to chose 6 subjects in top of maths and English.
These subjects were your subjects for 3rd & 4th year.
4th year-
Maths in 4th year for me consisted of higher which all the 4th years found rather difficult and so most chose to do it over 2 years to get a better understanding for the subject.
English an intermediate 2 exam was sat in 4th year which I received a B in.
Standard grades:
History I received a 2 ( i will explain this at the end).
Chemistry I received a 1.
Biology I received a 1.
French I received a 1.
Art I received a 3.
Business management I received an A.

5th year-
Is my current year and this is he second last year available at academy. However you can leave at the end of 4th year if you wish to go onto college (is not university it is where you can study a specific course but not to a great extent) instead or even a job.
5th year consists of choosing your subjects for that year based on what you wish to do with your life in the future as well as the subjects you enjoy so I chose:
Business management

As maths and English are not compulsory in 5th year.

For intermediates and highers you must sit NABs these are assessments but instead of being on small topics each is a third of the course. If you fail these you get to re-sit them but only once unless it is maths because you get 2 chances to re-sit them. These are a big deal because if you do not pass even one of them you will not get a final grade for the course.

Standard grades there are no NABs only tests and unlike intermediates and highers where the grading is A,B,C fail standard grade is split into devisions.
Foundation- this is for people with learning difficulties as it is the basics of the course and a very easy course. The grading is, 6 which is the lowest pass you can receive and 5 which is the higher pass in foundation.
General- this is for people of average intelligence and cover most of the course to a good depth. The grading is, 4 which is the lower end of general and 3 which is the higher end of general.
Credit- this is for people with above average intelligence and it covers the course to a great depth. The grading is, 2 which is he lower end of credit but still a good grade to achieve as it is above average and 1 which is the best grade possible to achieve.

This is a very big explanation and I hope it covers all of your questions if not just comment and I will try and answer as best as possible.

Thanks guys,
Hayley >.<

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